Sunday, March 16, 2008


Words, spoken or unspoken, are thoughts and ideas that shape our personal destiny. As such they are the "seeds"we plant, in our hearts, that grow into success or failure, love or hate, belief or disbelief in ourselves and in our lives. Of course we learn words from the time we are born, and we learn to use words to express what we see, think or feel. Early on we may be conditioned to use certain words and as such we may "mouth" someone else's ideas, thoughts or words. However, soon enough in childhood, we gain independent thought. From that time forward we are no longer bound by the words, thoughts or ideas of others. We may be affected by their words, but it is our success driven nature and our personal responsibility to speak our own thoughts. Whether we say "I can" or "I can't" becomes self fulfilling for uf for that particular problem, task or idea. If we say we are beautiful then we are beautiful!. If we say we are clumsy, then we will probably stumble and knock over things and repeat the matra "I am clumsy".

Too often, today our negative self talk (words) and even our smallest negative expressions will plant seeds of fear, doubt, caution, reservation, or disbelief within us. If we say "I don't think I will do well on this test or That task is so hard or The problem is so big" then we begin by going in the wrong direction.

Think carefully about your daily words, thoughts and beliefs. Even if you are an extremely positive, optimistic, successful and forward thinking person count how many times a day negative or distracting thoughts enter your mind. The two voices you hear "in your head", the one negative and the one positive are always battling for your mind. Take care to know that your destiny is, in part, based on the courage you show and the choices you make. Choose the positive path. Choose positive words, thoughts and ideas grounded in the belief that you are on a path, a mission, a destiny. Practice choosing words and thoughts that "cast out" disbelief and honor what is in your heart, your hopes and dreams, your love and destiny.