Thursday, October 30, 2008


It's October, 2008 a time of uncertain, doom and gloom for many caused in part by the actual events effecting the economy including the bank real estate secondary loan debacle, a significant corporate debt overload and a waning economy. The media, as usual, puts a laser focus on every piece of negativity it can find and acts as alarmist and doomsday chronicler in predicting the dourest outcomes and a bleak future for all. I know that many people feel helpless and hopeless in the face of such negative circumstances yet Optimism and Hope is the only way out of our situation. Starting with the principal that you must first believe it to achieve it and understand that each one of us is responsible for our own situation the question is how do you react to bad news, tragic events, loss of equity, a home, a car, savings or a life? It has been said, and I truly believe this, that the quality of a man's life is not about what happens to him but about how he reacts to whatever happens to him. Its about choice. The choices are endless. You can jump out the window. You can laugh. You can cry. You can give up. You can find the opportunities amongst the wreckage. You can speak words to yourself of discouragement. You can speak words of belief, "can do" and encouragement to yourself and others. You can dwell on yourself, play "poor me" seek sympathy or you can express gratitude for the talents and gifts that you have and begin, each day, anew with ambition and strategy and energy and effort. In times like these leaders don't cave in to the discouragement of the masses. Leaders give hope and encourage others to take action, be positive and find the greatness within themselves. It is times like these when we see what a man is made of and when character is made. Take a moment to encourage someone. Help lighten their day. Help them see the hidden opportunities that are readily available in a seemingly impossible situation. Most of all be thankful for the lessons of these difficult moments, they too shall pass, and for the purpose that they serve then follow your heart to the light.