Sunday, February 15, 2009

Responsible Self Talk In Difficult Times

These are difficult times for many. The media continues to bombard us with "bad news" every day. It is easy to get caught up in the "doom and gloom". There are difficult stories everywhere and we don't have to look far in our businesses, neighborhoods or families to find examples of people struggling. And while I don't believe in looking at the world through "rose colored glasses" or being a "Pollyanna"....I do believe that our personal and shared destiny will be determined by our bravery, our attitude, our conviction and our actions in the face of adversity. I think its critical that we act professional, with kindness, that we reach out to others and give them hope, that we provide solutions, that we are each a part of the solution and not the problem.

Fear rules many people. Recent polls show a high percentage of Americans have a great fear or dread of losing their jobs. For some people this kind of fear is paralyzing. And yet, we can help each other by encouraging, by pointing out that although we have 8% unemployment we have 92% employment (which you Will never see in USA Today or The New York Times).

A long time ago I learned that saying "I will try" is often a half hearted statement that probably carried with it the expectation of failure, but when I said "I will".....there was a kind of inner commitment that heightened the probability of completion of a task or objective.

In this blog I have talked about Self Talk before, but it feels like now, more than ever positive Self Talk is more important. I encourage everyone, including myself to use: I am, I can, I will and to look for the opportunities to touch others with encouragement and a positive spirit.