Thursday, January 10, 2008

Don't Let the Monster Eat Your Self Esteem

The following is another lesson for me from my daughter, Tami. As you will see Tami is being "taught' by her son (my terrific grandson) Cannon, who is being taught by a terrific kindergarten teacher. I am so proud of everyone in the "chain" of inspiration and belief including my Tami, Cannon and my wonderful granddaughter Raine who also is an incredible source of inspiration, encouragement and hope to me, as well!

Hi Dad,
I almost called you last night because Cannon had me so amazed: We were driving home and he says "Mom, do you know about self-esteem?" I said I knew a little but asked him to tell me what he knew about it. He said, "Well, you can't let the monster eat your self-esteem. He will try to eat your self-esteem and tell you you can't do things but you can't let him do that." I asked him what self-esteem was and he said "It's what makes you happy." I asked him "Well, what do you do to stop the monster from eating your self esteem?" and he said, "You have to stay strong. Just stay strong and tell him NO! and he won't be able to eat it and then you will stay happy."

Is that not the coolest thing ever? The school counselor read Cannon's class a book about Self Esteem. He is so smart. It really made sense to him. It is amazing how he (and Raine) each teach me new lessons all the time. And to see it and hear it from his's so precious. And the insights that Raine has are so amazing too. Anyway, I immediately thought of you, and your Success is Your Destiny blog, when we had that conversation last night.

Yes Tami! You are being successful and your kids are reaping the rewards of belief and the right kinds of "Self Talk". Keep it up. Dad is so very proud of you and of Cannon and Raine.

Monday, January 7, 2008

Turn Negative Self Talk Into Positive Self Talk and Success Destiny

Whether you think you can or can't you are right. Our self talk, whether it be that quiet "voice" in our head, or a verbal pronouncement is the predictor, not the reflection, of our personal destiny. I am not talking about self talk such as idle boasting or trash talking which often masks an inner fear. I am talking about our self view, our self belief, confidence, or lack thereof, and the messages that we "feed" ourselves day in-day out. The person who laments "I can't do it", "I am not smart enough", "I am not strong enough", "I don't know what to do", "Why do things always happen to me?", " I could never, I won't ever, I don't think I can, I don't know how" .....these are all negative self proclamations that often lead to negative results. They are also negative internal messages that feed ones belief system with doubt, resignation, and defeat and ultimately undermine hope. Another thing negative self talk does is block our natural problem solving and solutions oriented thinking. By dwelling on reasons why we can't achieve something we take up energy, time and space from solutions thinking and creativity which leads to problem solving and answers. An interesting thing happens within us when we say "I can".....our entire consciousness goes into action seeking answers and solutions that validates that belief. To achieve anything begin by planting the seeds of belief within yourself. Follow with the self talk of belief; "I can". Then turn your "I Can's" into "I did's".