Sunday, December 14, 2008


December 2008. This is a time when most us are effected by the difficult economy and circumstances effecting our financial well being. There is a general "fear factor" that is daunting for some some of us and near paralyzing for others. The media seems to focus and dwell on the problems and there appear to be few representatives of hope and belief for a better tomorrow. The choice is ours to either get to work creating solutions or otherwise be left to spend our time dwelling on the problems and rehashing day after day, week after week, who is responsible and why blame or responsibility is not our own. We hope that "somebody" will come up with a solution or deliver an answer for us. Often we spend so much time dwelling our fate that we make a "mountain out of a mole hill. This backward thinking is not unlike when personal problems beset some people. They choose to react dramatically to the problem, sharing with those closest to them their unfortunate fate or circumstance. Some people almost seem to enjoy the attention or pity the receive when they recount their difficulty almost as a hypochondriac feels loved by the attention of those sorrowed by their circumstance. They choose to dwell on the problem over and over and over and exacerbate the "problem" or as my mother used to say "wallow in the mud" (of their dire circumstances). My mother also had an expression "you made your bed now lay in it". She would point out that it was one's own responsibility for their current situation and that it was their responsbility to make a change of it. Certainly The Problem is not the Answer. The answer or resolution to any problem comes only when we move off the problem and onto the business of creating solutions and executing the actions that deliver us from our dilemma. The sooner one gets off the problem and onto the solution the quicker the problem is resolved and the less it impacts our life. So Identify problems but quickly move to dwell on solutions then take action to resolve your situation.