Learning can come from the strangest places and never ends. I am glad that I have something to contribute to this discussion as I am being taught self-esteem by a terrific hip hop teacher whose name is Bev. She is teaching me to have self-esteem with “flava”. Bev has flava and self-esteem to spare and you have to experience her to understand it. One could also say that she has swag. I am learning many marginally useful things in this class but it’s all good! Here's how to understand swag via the urban dictionary:
Warning - some words below may be inappropriate for grandchildren and those easily offended.
Swag: The way in which you carry yourself. Swag is made up of your overall confidence, style and demeanor. Swag can also be expanded to be the reputation of your overall swagger. You gain swag, or "Swag up", by performing swag worthy actions that improve this perception. A person can also "swag down", by being an overall pussy and garnering negative swag for their actions. Swag is a subtle thing that many strive to gain but few actually attain. It is reserved for the most swagalicious people. Swag can also be quantified, with point systems existing in some circles of friends.
"That dud is swag".
"im really diggin your swag."
"He got a killa swag".
"I got two girls last night".
"Awesome dude, that's some swag."
"I think one of them was my sister though...."
"Negative swag"
"I'm digging that strut son, I like your swag".
"Thanks, Dad."
"I don't think that I can go out tonight, I got too much work".
"Swag up you little bitch".
"If I finish this pizza in under 3 minutes, can I get a swag point?"
"You really don't understand swag...do you?"
Swagger: Also called swag. Whatever it is that makes women want you and men wanna be you.... or vice versa, I would add.
As you might tell, I have been very immersed in my dancing of late. I wish a good fairy would appear and let me either win the lottery or find my rich second husband so that I could quit my job and devote every waking hour to my dance education (of course, supplementing with some altruistic volunteer obligations because I am into random acts of kindness).
Hip hop is such an egalitarian endeavor which is one reason why I like it. It does not discriminate against size, shape, color, or even ability. Hip hop is all about attitude. I recently learned that it is not cool to smile in hip hop class as the goal is to look fierce and project a “don’t f-ck with me attitude”. This is a very useful posture for me coming off my divorce. As a matter of fact, the song “u & ur hand” by P!nk was practically my personal anthem during those years. I recently went to a P!nk concert at the Garden and, despite my Chanel bag now smelling of beer, I came away fervently wishing that in my youth I had been a rock star with platinum hair and multiple tattoos. It must be such a head rush! Also, spoiler alert for Russ!! I know your destiny and it is P!nk as there is an exclamation point in her very name.
What is so instructive about this? How we use and project our bodies is very important to our self-esteem. I learned a very important and interesting lesson years ago in my jazz class with the great Luigi. During the warm up he turned to the assembled class and asked no one in particular “where is the center?” with everyone dutifully pointing to the center of the room. His answer was brilliant - the dancer’s credo. “Center is where-ever you are.” This illustrates that each dancer should dance as if they are, in fact center, drawing all attention to them by their excellence.
My hip hop dancing is not yet very evolved to this point, so I have not yet acquired the necessary clothing – the baggy sweats, maybe with one leg rolled up, the triangle bathing suit top in lieu of a bra, covered by some slouchy top, maybe hooded which you flick on and off your head as desired. I decided to grow out my hair so that I can flick it appropriately – head flicks are integral to hip hop. Hair needs to be wild and out there. I have good and bad hair days, as I either look like the madwoman of Chaillot (good for hip hop) or Elizabeth Taylor (better for dating). As you can see, one has to have lots of self-esteem to pull this look off, even when you are only 20, the median age of the class. I am always the oldest one in the class and never the best. I am also not the worse. For me, just showing up in this class weekly tends to enhance my self esteem.
I would suggest that the next time you see someone you know who is a dancer, remark on how they walk. They walk "like a dancer", majestic and full of self-esteem, projecting the center of the universe. Next time you are in NYC, look out for me walking down Broadway, owning my piece of the sidewalk, swagalicious, like a dancer.
Recommended music playlist:
Mary J. Blige - "The One"
Flor Rida - "Right Round"
Keri Hilson & Timbaland - "Return the Favor"
Sean Kingston - "Fire Burning" & "Beautiful Girls"
Ciara - "Pucker Up"
P!nk - "U + Ur Hand, So What, Sober, Please don't leave, Who Knew, Funhouse"
Alice Cieri, Author, October 6, 2009
This confidence building blog is the most magnificent "random act of kindness".....
P.S. ENCORE, ENCORE! You speak my language.
Heh, Christine, I wish that you were free to go clubbing with me this weekend. This is, you know, an invitation to the dance of life!
Alice - my spirit dances when my soul hears the rhythm...even when there is no music playing.
Seize the day -
Hi Christine:
I just got back from Bev's class tonight and I love the energy she emits as she is so alive and joyous about teaching us. We danced to "Love Game" by Lady Gaga - "I wanna take a ride on your disco stick" and, as a large part of hip hop is acting out the lyrics, it was hysterical to see us own our stuff. I'm going back on Monday night to nail the combination!
As an aside, I wanted to share a site I somehow discovered (www.mamagenas.com) which never fails to bring a smile to my face every morning when I receive the MamaGena email from thepleasureteam. Here is one selection, quite tame by her standards:
Mama's Daily Fluff:
"Trust that the power of desire in action, combined with the power of owning your beauty, will make you an unstoppable bombshell. "
Let's be bombshells this week!
Hi there Alice -
Thank you for sharing that website. I am going to log into it and sign up for emails as well. I am always seeking my next inspiration.
There is a dance academy I am thinking about joining. I love to dance. I went there for a free trial one day and I had so much fun doing some hip hop and salsa...I am sure they are not as advanced as your instructor however, but they should be just my speed.
You are such a motivator - a giver - I appreciate you!
Yes - I will be a walking talking bombshell this week...wherever I am is center! LOL
P.S. All our love Russ - you are the bomb!
Hi Christine:
Now there is a great idea – we girls are bombshells and Russ is da bomb!
Also, I am thrilled that you are signing up for Mama Gena so now I can address you as Sister Goddess – must admit that I always wanted to do that with someone.
I am also glad to have found in you a dance soul -mate. I admire you for trying Salsa, something I have not yet done; being as I am, not keen on the idea of strange random Latino men who could smell of garlic handling me. Let me know how that works out as I’d like your perspective.
I do have to give you my report on my bombshell efforts this week (and it’s only Thursday and I’m going to a gay bar on Friday which is another thing I always wanted to do). Well, God was in my corner! My daughter & I took the subway together to work on Monday and were sandwiched together in a car with… a principal from my ex’s office who proceeded to chat us up the entire trip, and who made me feel like eye candy. Needless to say, I was looking like a bombshell, being as it was first thing in the morning, a good hair day and the eyeliner was not yet smudged. I knew that he would give a report to the ex and he did. Ex-hubby made some pretext of emailing me the following day, to which, I replied, of course, in goddess fashion.
You’d be wrong to assume that I am good at dance as did I tell you that my class with Bev is an Absolute Beginner level. I just love to dance and the body does learn muscle memory, eventually. So keep me posted on your efforts as we keep each other motivated.
Your Sister Goddess Alice
Dear Sister Goddess Christine:
To encourage your bombshell efforts this week -
Phenomenal Woman
Pretty women wonder where my secret lies.
I'm not cute or built to suit a fashion model's size
But when I start to tell them,
They think I'm telling lies.
I say,
It's in the reach of my arms
The span of my hips,
The stride of my step,
The curl of my lips.
I'm a woman
Phenomenal woman,
That's me.
I walk into a room
Just as cool as you please,
And to a man,
The fellows stand or
Fall down on their knees.
Then they swarm around me,
A hive of honey bees.
I say,
It's the fire in my eyes,
And the flash of my teeth,
The swing in my waist,
And the joy in my feet.
I'm a woman
Phenomenal woman,
That's me.
Men themselves have wondered
What they see in me.
They try so much
But they can't touch
My inner mystery.
When I try to show them
They say they still can't see.
I say,
It's in the arch of my back,
The sun of my smile,
The ride of my breasts,
The grace of my style.
I'm a woman
Phenomenal woman,
That's me.
Now you understand
Just why my head's not bowed.
I don't shout or jump about
Or have to talk real loud.
When you see me passing
It ought to make you proud.
I say,
It's in the click of my heels,
The bend of my hair,
the palm of my hand,
The need of my care,
'Cause I'm a woman
Phenomenal woman,
That's me.
Maya Angelou
Good Morning Alice -
I love Maya Angelo. That was beautiful! I am so glad to know you here.
I just returned from a confernece in St Louis. Glad to be home.
Have fun in all you do this week.
Thanks for sharing your beautiful mind.
Hi Christine:
Glad to hear that you liked the poem, one of my favorites and so inspiring to us women. And yes, indeed, there is no place like home.
It was glad to hear from you today. I was having a particularly bad (hair) day and even considered not going to my hip hop class tonight because of it. I just didn't look or feel like myself. Letting our hair ruin our day is so like a woman - and stupid! so I went to my class! Tonight's class was at Ailey with my hip hop instructor, Tweetie. I go to Ailey regularly for Horton classes also. I suppose that you are familiar with the Ailey piece, Revelations, whcih is especially beautiful. I can never get enough of it. Ailey dancing, using the Horton technique, especially features the male dancer in all his magnificence. The women dancers are a bit of an after-thought.
Anyways, Tweetie is a character very different from Bev. First off, she doesn't almost say a word during the warm up and uses hand signals for the counts we are to hold, something not easy to follow when you in a standing forward bend! Bev screams at the class & we have to answer back or she makes us do one armed pushups. Tweetie has her own charm as this evening, when explaining how to fold our arms in front of our chest hip hop style (arms crossed in front, fists under the armpits, head back a bit and chest up) she said not to do it "like we were waiting for the bus but were mad that our date didn't show up". Everyone got it immediately! Also, good news - I am finally getting the hang of the body wave in Bev's class, although the crotch grab (Michael Jackson style) is not as intuitive as one would think. Most of us looked pretty silly doing it. I guess I need more practice. I have so many hip hop tips for you, that you must let me know when you are taking your class and I 'll give you these pointers. They won't believe that you are a beginner.
So, enough about me! It would be nice to hear about your dance classes, so write and tell me how you like them. Enjoy you week and let that spirit dance!
Kind Regards,
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