Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Faith, Belief, Trust, Hope - the foundation for LOVE

The following is a re-post of my first blog essay "Faith" written and posted October 2007. In my immediate circumstance I find it just as pertinent, to my life today, as it was five years ago. FAITH: It all begins with faith. We need hope. We need to believe we can make change, make a difference, move forward, step up, gain momentum, achieve our dreams, make a better life, give of ourselves. Faith comes from someplace deep inside.....a kind of trusting of the unknown. A key for us is to develop a trust that we are destined to succeed. For some that means validating the steps of their lives that have brought them to this point. For others it means that the past means nothing (in terms of achievement) and that only the present and the future are focal points on which to build. All of the "good mother" messages, all of the encouragement from friends or family, all of the books, the tapes, the outside motivations.....mean little. It must come from within. That inner devine guidance. Belief, trust, hope are reflections or self statements of the heart. Success is a step by step process ("little steps") ("a journey of 1000 miles begins with a single step, one before the other"). Begin with a foundation of faith.........find that deep light of faith within yourself and follow it to success. Faith, trust, believe are the foundation and the starting point of all success and achievement.


Anonymous said...

I sent this to my 2 sons....
These amazing words will guide and comfort them on Life Journey,
thank you

Anonymous said...

thank you. these words I share with my own two wonderful kids and their kids as well. Even if it makes only a minor positive difference in their lives it will be entirely rewarding to me to know I had some positive effect on those I love and care about. Its also very affirming for me - my daily "self talk" if you will. Russ

Anonymous said...

how does one take the place of one who has been loved so much?