These writings are intended to be practical tools but may seem short, static with burst's of thoughts, meteors flaming through the mind, reflections, acknowledgements of hope, experiences, encounters and statements of faith intended to inspire, encourage and engage anyone who desires to reach for the stars or for the next step.
It all begins with faith. We need hope. We need to believe we can make change, make a difference, move forward, step up, gain momentum, achieve our dreams, make a better life, give of ourselves. Faith comes from someplace deep inside.....a kind of trusting of the unknown. A key for us is to develop a trust that we are destined to succeed. For some that means validating the steps of their lives that have brought them to this point. For others it means that the past means nothing (in terms of achievement) and that only the present and the future are focal points on which to build. All of the "good mother" messages, all of the encouragement from friends or family, all of the books, the tapes, the outside motivations.....mean little. It must come from within. Belief, trust, hope are self statements of the heart. Success is a step by step process ("little steps") ("a journey of 1000 miles begins with a single step, one before the other"). Begin with faith.........find that deep light of faith within yourself and follow it to success. Faith is the foundation the starting point of all success and achievement.
It all begins with faith. We need hope. We need to believe we can make change, make a difference, move forward, step up, gain momentum, achieve our dreams, make a better life, give of ourselves. Faith comes from someplace deep inside.....a kind of trusting of the unknown. A key for us is to develop a trust that we are destined to succeed. For some that means validating the steps of their lives that have brought them to this point. For others it means that the past means nothing (in terms of achievement) and that only the present and the future are focal points on which to build. All of the "good mother" messages, all of the encouragement from friends or family, all of the books, the tapes, the outside motivations.....mean little. It must come from within. Belief, trust, hope are self statements of the heart. Success is a step by step process ("little steps") ("a journey of 1000 miles begins with a single step, one before the other"). Begin with faith.........find that deep light of faith within yourself and follow it to success. Faith is the foundation the starting point of all success and achievement.
1 comment:
It pleases me that your blog's genesis is the concept of belief, hope and faith as the trinity is a sacred symbol of eternity - an idea in itself bold and beautiful. My memory is jogged back in time to October 2007; there was almost never a bleaker moment in my life and yet you were giving birth to something. At that moment in time, I was experiencing a severe crisis of faith. This was all the more potent as I am someone who is uber-faithful, believing strongly, passionately, with fierce dedication to people, ideas, institutions. That they all simultaneously abandonned me and proved unfaithful was devastating. In response, I lost my faith in everything as how to be a believer when all around you demonstrated the absurdity of trusting. I ask myself now how I survived this hopelessness. After crying me a river, I luckily got over feeling sorry for myself, a process that takes its own time and can be helped by no one. The problem lies in having that knee jerk reaction to look for things where we want to find them, rather than taking them from whence they are offerred. When I looked objectively at the situation I realized that, although those upon whom I should have been able to rely had been unreliable, there were others who had surprised me with their constancy. This discovery was life-affirming and I was able to continue putting one foot in front of the other with blind faith that it would all work out. In the end, it is good to let ourselves go to a higher place of trust in the universe. What's so interesting, no spectacular, is that at this present moment in time I am filled with the absolute certainty that my life is unfolding majestically exactly as it should, as with my heart, I unerringly, faithfully follow my north star.
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